
For Your Consideration: 2014 – 2016 Elected Board Slate

At AIGA Raleigh, our full Board roster is comprised of an Elected Board, a Community Board, and an Advisory Board. Every two years, the Board changes in a big way as Directors come and go, all spurred by members of the chapter voting on a new Elected Board.

Here’s how it works—the voting members of the full Board nominate and then vote to approve a slate of candidates for the Elected Board. Once we have an approved draft Slate, the new candidates are submitted to the chapter’s membership as a group (or “slate”) for an up or down vote. Learn more about this process in AIGA Raleigh’s Constitution & By-laws.

Today, active members of AIGA Raleigh will receive a special email that contains a link for voting on the slate of candidates for the Elected Board—the voting is open for one week and ends at midnight on July 1, 2014. If you are an active member of AIGA Raleigh and have not received the email with the poll link, contact us and we’ll make sure you receive the opportunity to vote.

Presenting the candidates for the Elected Board (through June 2016)

Laura Hamlyn, President

Lenny Terenzi, Director of Uniting People

Hannah Hoffman, Director of Impact

Kristin Fowler, Director of Ability

Amy Lyons, Director of Operations

Kristin McPeak, Director of Experience

Joseph Schlosser, Director of Brand

Brittain Peck, Director of Design for Good

Tracy Maniaci, Director of Communications

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