
A Designer’s New Year’s Resolutions

I’ve been thinking a lot about my goals for 2016. It will be my first full year working in the design world. No more studio classes, no more final projects, and, sadly, no spring break. Even though I’m out of school, I still have a lot to learn and that I want to learn. I want to continue to develop my design style, start to focus my career, and grow my skills. I want to create more for fun and read for pleasure. My seven resolutions for 2016 aim to help me live a more creative, productive and independent year.

1. I resolve to send more postcards

My boyfriend got me an AWESOME set of 100 postcards by Friends of Type for Christmas. I’ve always been attracted to typographic postcards and I buy one almost every time I’m at Deco in downtown Raleigh. After I pin up a few around my desk, I cannot wait to send postcards to my friends who moved after college.

2. I resolve to be creative every night

This resolution sounds easy enough. Instead of melting into the couch during season 4 of Scandal, I want to be more productive with my time in the evening. Whether it’s a new recipe, coloring in Fantastic Cities, working on a freelance project, or writing this very article, I know I can squeeze more out of my day.

3. I resolve to explore my city

Raleigh, N.C. doesn’t get enough credit. The creative community continues to grow with pop-up markets, NCMA exhibits and murals throughout the city. I want to take more hikes, try new restaurants and do a better job of documenting it all.

4. I resolve to learn new things

One of my big goals for 2016 is to learn at least two programming languages. I’m starting with Javascript lessons on Codeacademy and building my way up from there. In 2016, I want to keep learning, expand my skills, and open up more design opportunities.

5. I resolve to clean off my desk

And be more tidy in general. A clean space will lead to a cleaner mind and a more productive day.

6. I resolve to put myself forward

This resolution is all about confidence and learning from experience. I want to enter a design contest, volunteer more with AIGA, and meet more designers in the community.

7. I resolve to read more books

I swear I make this resolution every year. My Nook is loaded with the latest J.K. Rowling and the Martian. That should keep me busy for a while.



Share your New Year’s resolutions in the comments below and check out those from notable designers!

The mural in the header image was done by Kevin Lyons on the side of the Trophy Brewing building on Morgan St. as a part of the Raleigh Murals Project.


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