
Enter the 2011 SEED Awards

The SEED Awards are here to recognize and promote excellent design in the Southeast. Sponsored by AIGA Atlanta, designers all across the Southeast are entering. It’s a good chance to have your work seen outside of North Carolina.

Founded by AIGA Atlanta in 2005 and in partnership with 15 other AIGA chapters, the SEED Awards recognize and promote design excellence within the Southeast region. Winners of this biennial competition represent the best work across all disciplines of communication design and strategy from professional and student designers residing in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, as chosen by a distinguished jury of national design leaders.

Submission prices increase $10 at midnight on February 18th and the final delivery deadline for SEED ’11 is February 24th. Visit www.seedawards.com for details.

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