Introducing a new AIGA Raleigh event category: Pop-up Events.
Who says you can’t start planning an event today? Not us. That’s why we’re launching a new event category called pop-up events. An AIGA Raleigh pop-up event doesn’t require a committee to green light it and you don’t need the entire board’s approval to make it happen. You just need a simple idea that’s aligned with the goals of our chapter, and the energy to make it happen. A pop-up event could ride piggyback on a bigger local event (like a gathering to see a film, fundraising for a great cause, a designer meet-up, an art exhibit after-party, an excuse to socialize, etc.).
There are four goals for a pop-up event:
- Your event has to break even (or make money if possible).
- It should help AIGA Raleigh create a place where designing flourishes and contribute to one of our three community goals : improving design ability, creating design impact and uniting people.
- It should be something you and others are passionate about.
- The AIGA Raleigh board should be made aware of the event idea.
That’s it. You don’t even have to be a member of AIGA Raleigh to create a pop-up event.
Here’s how to get started:
- Email board (at) raleigh (dot) aiga (dot) org with your idea and someone will contact you to help get it on its feet. We will make sure you don’t schedule your event when other AIGA Raleigh programming is taking place and help you find spaces and volunteers if needed. We can also talk to you about sending an email blast to our members, or just helping publicizing it via social media.
- Create a Google doc or request an account on our wiki, and start a page dedicated to your idea. Fill it with event names; logistics like who, what, where, when; promotion ideas and costs.
- Think about whom you want to attend and what you want them to feel or think afterwards.
- Launch your pop-up event.
If you want more planning help, search “event planning” on this wiki, or contact Jason Horner or Laura Hamlyn from the AIGA leadership board.