
Learning Outside the Box with SkillShare

I recently renewed my AIGA memembership, but unlike last year I decided to take advantage of my membership benefits. One of the benefits I decided to advantage of was a 30% off  on an annual SkillShare membership, or if you are new to Skillshare, AIGA members will receive one month free.

I know there are lots of online learning sites, but beside the affordable price, I love the usability of SkillShare. Unlike other online learning sites I have used in the past, SkillShare classes feel similar to  our local Homegrown Events.

For less than $100 a year I have access to over 1,000 premium classes, 171 free classes, 65 tutorials on anything from typography to fashion design, to web design and/or illustration taught by the world’s greatest creators, makers, and innovators. There are also live sessions where I can share my learning goals with other students to help me stay focused.  Plus, the students are from all around the world!

I love the diversity of classes. I loved being in school, it was a valuable time in my life, but now I do not want to learn in a box. These days I find myself wanting to learn how to be a better cook, gardener, and writer. Which makes SkillShare prefect for me, I can take a 30 min class on how to shoot photos with my iPhone on Monday, take a class in Handlettering on Wendesday, than learn how to make the prefect Southern Fried chicken on Saturday.

Not only do I love the diversity of classes, I love the variety and depth of the experienced teachers. Since they are experts in their fields, they share helpful tips and tools of the trade that will help anyone improve their process and techniques. Teachers range from Steven Heller to Ellen Lupton.

Earlier this year, Skillshare released a mobile app for iOS and Android. Which means I can learn anywhere! Which comes in handy for a person who cannot sit still for more than 30 minutes. It also works well for my weird work schedule some days taking a laptop with me is not an option.

Taking these classes help ignite my creative mojo (which seems to be on empty these days), by providing me a resources to explore crafts I would have never thought to learn. Since I can take a class anywhere and at anytime, I am free to explore at my own pace. I know what you are thinking, taking a class is all about networking and meeting new people, and I agree. Which is why I take advantage of the class projects and project gallery. It gives me a chance to see other student’s work, learn from other students, and receive feedback from more than 188 countries. Because of the project gallery for the class Contract Writing for Freelancers taught by Margot Harrington, Communication Designer at Pitch Design Union, I was able to create a contract and client questionnaire that I love and has help me establish myself as a Freelancer.

I could go on and on about Skillshare, but the real point is because of my AIGA membership I was able to utilize another resource to make me a well rounded creative person.

Author of this post: Mayshanna Pandora Briscoe is a Freelance Graphic Designer, Mixed Media Artist and Aspiring Blogger. She has a B.A. in International Business and A.A.S. in Advertising and Graphic Design with a Certificate in Web Technology.  When she is not in her studio she can be found experimenting with a new recipe, posting pictures of her design life or food on Instagram, or making memories with her fan club (aka her friends, family and dogs).
Follow her:
Website: www.mpandoradesigns.com
Facebook: Mayshanna Pandora Art and Design
Instagram: http://instagram.com/mpandoraart/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mpandoradesigns

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