
Lunch & Learn: A Web Design Toolkit with Mindy Wagner

“As a Senior Web Designer at Viget I work with a team of 50 passionate, talented, dedicated folks to plan, design, build and market web sites of every shape and size. Whether it’s a web app or a marketing microsite, I enjoy designing things that are both beautiful and usable. Prior to joining Viget I was a snow-belt Northerner, spending 5 years with an internal design team at Syracuse University.”
~Mindy Wagner

Twitter: @graphicsgirl

Website: http://mindywagner.net

A Web Design Toolkit
Tuesday, December 13, 2011 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

The web is exploding with design potential, and a young craft is growing up. The days of the “webmaster” are long over. Web designers are true specialists, and clearly communicating our vision throughout the process makes for happy clients and successful sites. At AIGA’s December HOMEGROWN Lunch & Learn event we will discuss the designer’s evolving role in crafting the web.

You’ll get an inside look at the Viget team’s tried-and-true methods, including:

You will leave armed with tools and techniques to make the web design process more collaborative, successful, and enjoyable. Watch this video from Mindy. And join us December 13th!
Register at http://homegrownweb.eventbrite.com/

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