
Raleigh InDesign User Group CS6 Launch Party

Did you know that Raleigh has an InDesign User Group chapter? I was delighted to discover this when I met Aaron Zalonis, a member of the group, at the June Community meeting. If you are an InDesign user, and want to find out the details of the new features available in CS6, join the InDesign User Groups at their CS6 Launch party on Thursday, July 26.

The group will discuss the latest version of InDesign, covering the new features in InDesign CS6. Some of the new features include:

Bring a few dollars cash to buy raffle tickets. The raffle tickets sales go to offset the cost of refreshments. Raffle prizes include books, plugins, and a subscription to InDesign magazine.

The meeting will be held at a new facility in Chapel Hill, the Sheps Center at UNC. For directions and additional information, please visit the InDesign User Groups website.


Thu, July 26, 2012, 6:30 PM
Sheps Center

725 MLK Jr Blvd
Chapel Hill, NC 27514


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