
Startup and Play!

As the old saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child.” Or in this case, some cool startups. Just like shopping locally, support innovation locally. Come see what Triangle entrepreneurship is all about! The big idea is to create a groundswell of support for consumer-facing Triangle startups by connecting the companies with the community at large, and with each other. We believe strongly in bringing people of diverse backgrounds together to help build the community, which I know is a major value of AIGA Raleigh.



Do you love playing with cool, new products?

Of course you do! Join us for a fun-filled night and hang with some of the shiny startups in the Triangle!

Need I say more? Well then, Startup and Play is all about:

Who will be showcasing?

Come meet the young, the bold, and the innovative new companies coming out of Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill:

Come play!

Register Now!

#startupandplay, @startupandplay

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