Myth: Corporate social media is easy to do, and it’s free free free!
Reality: With a million tools managing a billion platforms, it’s incredibly complex, costly to do it right and tricky to extract real value.
The key, of course, lies in pushing aside all the lingo and the technology in pursuit of making sincere human connections.
This Homegrown event is designed to give you insights into the messy modern world of social media, illustrating how the best cure for the modern attention span—great design and images—resonates with audiences and occasionally even turns casual brand fans into raving advocates. We’ve invited Gavin O’Hara (Global Social Media Publisher for Lenovo) to lunch, and want you to join us for an inside look at how he approaches his craft.
“My company makes technology products. Cold dead technology products. My job is to dig beneath the chilly exterior and find the warmth that I know is there. My team scours the earth every day looking for stories about ordinary people using Lenovo gadgets to do extraordinary things. Sometimes we walk around Times Square introducing ourselves to anyone who’ll listen. Sometimes we hang out with Tron Guy. Sometimes we send teenage science whiz-kids into space. And sometimes we seize Las Vegas with our sketchy jackalope mascot. It all makes sense, though. Really.” –Gavin O’Hara, Global Social Media Publisher, Lenovo

Join us November 27. Seating is limited, so register soon.
Check out Gavin’s work below (see links). Then connect with Gavin before the event (@gavinohara on Twitter) to let him know what you’d like to learn about getting social.