More than 250 AIGA chapter leaders from across the country gathered in Minneapolis from June 2-4 to discuss national AIGA goals, individual chapter successes (including AIGA Raleigh) and participate in prototype sessions, working lunches and debates that went into the wee hours of the night. We exchanged trading cards, learned how to run a design camp, met colorful characters, supported design interns, talked about some kick a&# chapter websites, welcomed some new chapters—and the conversation hasn’t stopped since.

In fact, the conversation is just beginning. Starting with our next community meeting where Jonathan Opp and Matt Muñoz will reprise their inspiring presentation on the AIGA Raleigh rebranding called “Building a Chapter Brand Around Community.” This presentation sparked a thousand questions from the audience and will hopefully create more community-based branding projects in chapters across the country.

We brought back ideas and free schwag (and some pretty cool AIGA Raleigh 25th Anniversary T-shirts), but most of all we reconnected our chapter to the 65 other chapters who are all willing to share their ideas, event plans, mission statements and branding projects with you. There is no better time to get involved with AIGA Raleigh. We’re looking forward to seeing you on July 13th.
Author: Laura Hamlyn
Photos Courtesy of Laura Hamlyn (thanks!)