Join us for our November 2018 Community Meeting as we focus on ethics in design.
Durham Fruit Company
305 S. Dillard St.
Durham, 27701
Why do we as creatives always seem to be marginalized when it comes to money, copyrights or a whole host of other issues? We get asked to work for free, or told we charge too much. Large corporations will take our work and not think twice about selling it on products knowing they have the legal weight to fight any actions taken against them.
Our Community Meeting for November will focus on this, the ethics of design. We will talk about scenarios and share stories and tips for conversations when ethically grey areas come into play. We'll even have some fun doing a little roleplay so put your improv hats on!
As usual, there will be plenty of time for open discussion, announcements, and our usual gathering for after meeting food and drinks at Ponysaurus Brewing right around the corner.
See you there!
Our Community Meetings are interactive, free and open to everyone.
New to the area? New to AIGA? Interested in becoming a member? Ready to get involved? Simply want a community of like-minded individuals? The monthly community meeting is a great place to get started and you don't have to be a member to attend.
There’s no better way to see what’s going on in the Triangle creative community, get involved, and participate in shaping the chapter’s growth. Introductions start at 6:30. See you then!
***While this event is free, please register so we can notify you of any changes to this event. Thank you!*****