What is Casual Creativity?
Graphic designers work on their computers… a lot. It feels like sometimes they never get to use their hands. Also, some creatives are the only person on their “team” at work or they freelance in a solo space. That can get lonely.
The goal of Casual Creativity nights is to let creatives work with their hands, learn new skills, make silly things with no regard to briefs or clients, to create things they can hold and things that make them happy.
Now, it’s possible to do all of those things on your own or even with friends. Casual Creativity is a concerted effort to make that space for creatives to make stuff together in a casual way that leads to new conversations and new friendships.
This month:
This month, our Vice President, Amy Lyons will share some jewelry making basics.
We'll be covering:
-Tools & Findings
-Basic wire work
-Basic beading & stringing techniques
You will take home a packet with information on what we cover and we will make a quick project together.
We will have supplies on hand, however, we have a limited number of tools so we will have to share, so if you have small a pair of needle-nose pliers at home, please bring them.
Many thanks to The Devilish Egg for being a fantastic and beautiful venue!
My best advice is to park in the deck next to Chuck's Burgers (233 S Wilmington St, Raleigh, NC 27601) and then walk toward Moore Square (you'll pass Brewery Bhavana on your right). The area where The Devilish Egg is, called the City Market, is covered in bricks and cobblestones. The entrance to the shop is right across from ArtSpace and just down the street from Vic's Italian Restaurant and Big Ed's City Market Restaurant.