I’ve been an AIGA member since I moved to Raleigh in 2009, and in that time I have gained so much through what I have given to the chapter. As a chapter our mission is to create a place where design thrives. What I found through my involvement with AIGA Raleigh is a place where I thrive.
You’ve probably heard us say in regards to involvement with AIGA Raleigh, “you get out of it what you put into it.” What do we mean by that? Allow me to illustrate, I mean literally illustrate, I sketched out my journey to share what “you get out of it what you put into it” meant for me.

The benefits of my involvement are more than I could ever have expected. I’ve gained skills that I use in my career and in life. AIGA Raleigh truly is a place where I thrive, not only as a designer, but as a person. If you are thinking about taking a more active role in AIGA Raleigh, don’t wait, let us know hoe you’d like to get involved at volunteer@raleigh.aiga.org.