Saturday, April 30, 2011
from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM
So, you’ve been working on putting together your portfolio and you think its looking good but how can you be sure?
The AIGA Raleigh Student Portfolio Review is an event designed for those students that are about to embark on a career in the design industry. You will receive constructive, one-on-one evaluation of your work by an array of design professionals—art directors, media producers, educators, and hiring managers – from the Triangle area. While this event is not a job fair, some reviewers may be looking for potential employees or interns. It is a great way to network and become aware of who’s who in the Triangle design community.
Who Should Attend?
Design students at the senior undergraduate level.
What to Bring
Come with 8 to 10 of your best portfolio pieces. You are also encouraged to bring business cards and several copies of your resume. If you plan on showing interactive work, come prepared with a fully charged laptop. Time is very limited at these events, so be sure that your work is presentation ready. Above all, bring an open mind and a strong chin. This event is designed to provide junior creatives with the kind of brutal, honest feedback they don’t always receive from friends and teachers. It’s a tough but important rite of passage for all designers.
Are you a Professional?
Volunteer as a reviewer and check out the newest talent that the Triangle has to offer. Guide up-and-coming designers with your valuable insights and advice, and maybe even find that shiny, new intern you’ve been looking for. Email us if you are interested in participating:

Artwork designed by Yvette Navarro and Aimee Flynn.