AIGA Triad Update

As you hopefully saw we had a successful signing party. That means 20 current members showed up and penned their name to the petition that gets sent off to the national office to let them know our intentions of starting a chapter. Mike Joosse checked the names and everyone is a legit member (a big hurdle at a signing party.)

We also hosted a successful preliminary board meeting to those interested in participating in the board. Our main focus for that meeting was getting the four required positions filled so we can send that doc off to national to continue the process. Four brave folks stepped forward and volunteered for President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Director so we are moving right along.

So who is part of the first AIGA Triad NC board? Glad you asked.

Here are the required positions:

Andy Kurtts (me)

Rheta Whittington

Traci Naff

Membership Director:
Lindsey Gibbs

And here are the additional board positions (for now, lots more to follow):

Vice President
Elliot Strunk

Amanda King
Stephanie Case

Jeff Klein

Emerging Designers
Matt Cook

Roy Carter

Heather Allison

That’s it for now- i know we have lots of holes but i think we’re doing just great.

Next stop is starting up programming and events as well as moving our official paperwork through the proper channels.

I also wanted to give you all a heads up because over the next couple of days I’m going to be linking you all up with corresponding positions in our Triad board so my folks can pick your brains- any advice and help is greatly appreciated.

Keep up with the Triad Chapter’s progress by following them on social media.





By Andy Kurtts
Published November 15, 2012