HOMEGROWN | Trademarks are Magic: Taking Inspiration From the Trademark Office

The records of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office are accessible free online, and contain a treasure trove of design ideas extending back at least as far as 1884. The session will begin with a discussion of trademarks in relation other legal principles, followed by an introduction to the web resources of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, and will conclude with detailed instructions for searching trademarks records for design ideas and inspiration. Ed will share the why, why not, protect your work aspects of design.

Join us September 10 for our Homegrown on Trademarks are Magic: Taking Inspiration From the Trademark Office with Ed Timberlake of Timberlake Law.

Ed is a trademark & copyright lawyer who’s worked at both the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and the U.S. Copyright Office. He runs Timberlake Law in Carrboro where he spends a lot of time trying to talk people out of using crappy names, logos, slogans, etc.

Check out Timberlake Law on:

Trademarks Are Magic Blog







By Maura McDonald
Published September 9, 2013