There’s a new marketing trend this month that sports fans and consumers alike may find hard to ignore. And it comes in a pretty shade of pink.
I, along with every football fan in America, couldn’t help but notice the feminine side of this week’s NFL lineup. As a part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the National Football League is sporting everything from pink gloves, towels and play books to pink cleats and chinstraps. And they’re not alone—take a trip to your local supermarket and you’ll see countless brands going pink, too.

Now, practically everyone knows someone or is related to someone who has had to face this terrible disease. I’ve lost someone close to me, and it was a crushing blow that I’ll never shake. I’ve also raised money for the cause by running the Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure and donating to others who have run to raise funds.
While I’m happy to help such an amazing cause, it’s interesting to think back to when simply wearing a pink ribbon was enough to show your support. Then the ribbons became bumper stickers which became magnets and then somehow, 25 years later, every conceivable surface, every possible media, every piece of football attire is now a pretty shade of pink. You can even “pink” your Facebook page to rally against breast cancer.

Some marketers donate a portion of their proceeds to the cause, others are just helping to raise awareness. But at what point are brands jumping on the bandwagon JUST to sell more product and reach a larger demographic? When you start wrapping fire logs in pink plastic and covering an entire yogurt section in fuchsia the tactics start to blend together. And the cause seems to get lost—in a sea of pink.
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