Why are you involved with AIGA Raleigh?
I am involved because AIGA Raleigh allows me to network, connect, and be part of the design community. As an emerging designer, I feel that making those connections, learning about others in the field, and volunteering for events makes my transition from student to professional more fulfilling than if I had tried to do it all on my own.
What is your overriding professional goal?
I want to always do what I love and have a career that allows me to grow as a person and also as a professional.
How do you explain what you do to “regular people?”
I explain that I am a designer, but instead of interiors or landscapes, I work with letters and colors. That usually satisfies their curiosity. Occasionally I’ll get to point out a label or a magazine cover and say, that, that is what I do.
What professional accomplishment are you proudest of?
I am proud of the fact that I have new clients coming to me that were referred by current/past clients of mine. The fact that they were impressed enough to send their friends or business contacts to me says a lot and makes me realize that I am on the right path.
What is your non-work creative outlet?
I love to illustrate, I have worked on a few children’s books. I also like to be crafty and will try anything craft related, just don’t ask me about my knitting skills. Yikes!
What’s your biggest design-related pet peeve?
My biggest design-related pet peeve is when people cannot take critiques. Drop the attitude, open the ears, and listen to what your peers have to say. We aren’t attacking you, we are trying to help and just want you to succeed.
What is the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
The movie Pitch Perfect. I have not laughed like that over a movie in a LONG time.
If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it be?
Supreme organization skills. I’m a mess.
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Stewie Griffin. He’s my little evil twin brother.
What have you gained or what do you hope to gain through your involvement with AIGA Raleigh?
I have gained confidence in my abilities as an emerging designer. I hope that this continues and I continue to make connections that will benefit me in my career.
What led you to volunteer or join the board?
I wanted to meet others in the field and learn more about AIGA. Also, by volunteering at events like the student portfolio review, I was able to observe and learn about the portfolio process.
What have you done as a board member or volunteer that you are most proud of?
I volunteered at the 2012 student portfolio review, and I signed up again this year and I hope that I can continue to volunteer as much as I can.
What goals do you have for the future of the chapter?
Get more people that I know involved, more guest speakers, and expansion of ideas for emerging designers.