UX design “encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products.” Nielsen Norman Group. It is the entire user experience, with company and their products. The design of a product does not stop once the layout and color have been created. Take Apple for example, their bells and whistles are not just how the products look, but how the product works, the products usability. That is where UX design comes into play.
“UX is not that mysterious! You’re probably already doing it and you don’t know it!” says Sarah Kahn.
So if this is the case where do you start? How do you learn it? What is the process? We too were curious, so we collected the answers from industry experts.
Jon Gamble
Jon Gamble is an Interactive Developer with Centerline Digital in Raleigh. His main focus is front-end development with an ever growing fascination with backend systems and application architecture. He also enjoys building full stack applications and working with embedded systems and open source hardware. When not pounding away at the keyboard, he can be found working on his car, at the shooting range or on the Outer Banks with a fishing rod in hand.
Follow him:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonfgamble
Website: jongamble.com
Sarah Kahn
Sarah Kahn is a rogue librarian turned UX/UI developer. She went to grad school at the School of Information and Library Science at UNC-Chapel Hill, where she realized that people are more interesting than books. She has been designing and building web application interfaces since 2008. Over the years she has gained a variety of experience in interaction design, usability evaluation, qualitative and quantitative research, and assessing web accessibility. She currently is a Senior UX Designer at Deutsche Bank. Her previous work has been at places like Adzerk, NC LIVE, and Lulu.com. She also is a co-founder at Fogbeam Labs.
Follow her:
Twitter: @aarahkahak
Email: sarahk@girldevelopit.com
Website: kahnlab.com
John Romano
John is user experience designer that designs mobile apps and Web sites at PointSource in Raleigh. He enjoys working on collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams to find creative solutions that simultaneously delight users and satisfy business requirements. He’s also a speaker, tinkerer, dad, outdoorsman and deep-frying enthusiast.
Follow him:
Twitter: @johnwromano
Website: jwromano.com
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/johnwromano
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Author of this post: Mayshanna Pandora Briscoe is a Freelance Graphic Designer, Mixed Media Artist and Aspiring Blogger. She has a B.A. in International Business and A.A.S. in Advertising and Graphic Design with a Certificate in Web Technology. When she is not in her studio she can be found experimenting with a new recipe, posting pictures of her design life or food on Instagram, or making memories with her fan club (aka her friends, family and dogs).