What do R+M, Anoroc, Creative Associates, Ulanguzi, and Flywheel Design have in common?
They’re all participating in the The Principals’ Principles, a public panel discussion that’s going to answer your nagging questions about design & business. Don’t miss this opportunity to ask some really hard questions, discuss and debate design with leaders from your local design and advertising community.
Participants include:
- Dylan Bost (Ulanguzi)
- Ed Collevecchio (Creative Associates)
- Woody Holliman (Flywheel Design)
- Deborah Loercher (Anoroc Agency)
- Beverly Murray (R+M Agency)
This is your chance to ask these seasoned professionals exactly what they think and how they do business. Want to know what they have to say about the future of print advertising, how their careers in advertising started, or how they feel about how Charlie Sheen has branded himself via social media? This is your opportunity to find out!
Get those questions in early! You can Facebook or Twitter @AIGARaleigh your design & business questions until April 12th.
Come join us on Wednesday April 20th, 6:30 pm at Burns Auditorium.

Many thanks to our creative team:
Designer: Amy Lyons
Writer: Jamie Lee