“Our industry may be digitally driven but ideas are still best developed in analog form.”
—Von Glitschka
Do you ever find yourself stuck on a creative problem and wonder how the master designers do this time and time again?
Join us at 7pm on March 25th as we host the master of vector, illustrative designer Von Glitschka. Geared for both students and veterans alike, Von will walk us through his systematic creative process that any designer can adapt into their own work flow and begin to utilize immediately in order to produce better work on a consistent basis.
Sign up before March 18 to receive the best ticket pricing.

As a follow-up to his Drawsigner talk on Friday night, Von will be leading a hands-on workshop on Saturday morning, March 26 at Meredith College from 9—12noon. Bring your tools, both analog and digital (specifically paper, pencil and your laptop if you have one) and be prepared to get back to your artistic roots as we explore specific techniques that will set you apart from the “Toolers”.
Only 30 spots are available and AIGA members get first dibs until March 4. After that, it’s open to the public.