We are AIGA Raleigh’s Board Members that represent
the Design Ability team. We’re here to create opportunities that leverage your skill set and knowledge as a creative as well while provide support for students, emerging designers and professionals in the Triangle area.
We’re extremely excited and look forward to serving the local design community. Want to learn more about us? Have questions? Want to join us? Feel free to contact us.
Kristin Fowler – Director of Design Ability

“Your talent is your gift from God. What you do with it is your gift back to God.”
– Leo Busgalia
AIGA Raleigh is my professional home – It’s a community of thinkers, doers, and creative folks who have a passion and drive to make the Triangle a place where design thrives. All of the aforementioned, being part of the bigger picture. Personally, being involved continues to ignite my passion of learning, leading, networking and making a difference in the lives of others. As a community, we consistently cheer each other on and are a powerful support network for one another, especially emerging designers, like myself. Lastly, and most importantly, I’ve had the ability to establish relationships with others in the community and build meaningful friendships that will last a lifetime.
Sophia Hitchcock – Co-Director of Student Programming

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.”
– Erma Bombeck, Humorist, Writer
I find our AIGA chapter in particular to be an incredibly powerful resource for connecting to talented professionals within the creative industry. I’m a naturally social person and I just enjoy meeting new people, making new friends and I look forward to AIGA events because I know I will always be surrounded by people who share my passion for design and creative thinking. I have also gained a sense of community in the Raleigh area. I am a part of something bigger than myself working towards a unified goal and it feels good. I have a core group of friends and colleagues to share my passion for design with. We all benefit from each other’s willingness to participate and give back.
Jacqueline McAdams – Co-Director of Student Programming

“The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life. It’s so easy to make it complex. What’s important is leading an examined life.”
–Yvon Chouinard
The humanistic approach of innovation and sustainability that unfolds into great design. It comes down to the great people and the result of everyone working together. I have become very motivated and inspired from being involved.
Mayshanna Pandora Briscoe – Co-Director for Content & Communication for Students & Emerging Designers

“Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says “oh crap, she’s up”
– Unknown
I became a member of AIGA because I am a creative person who has a full time non-creative job. While I was working as a freelance graphic designer, I was offered an awesome position with a wonderful company. However, the new position has left me little time to work as a freelancer. Longing for that creative fix (I so desperately need in order to stay sane) I decided to join and volunteer with AIGA. Working along side some of the best creative minds in the NC, allows me to expand my design knowledge, exposure myself to other arenas of design, and allow me to share my passion with others.
Chelsea Brown – Co-Director for Content & Communication for Students & Emerging Designers

“Design is where science and art break even.”
-Robin Matthew
I joined AIGA last fall searching for fresh creative inspiration and found so much more. AIGA brings me back to the root of my love for design and writing and helps me foster a more design centered lifestyle. It’s so refreshing to meet people who not only share your passion for design but also provide resources to strengthen it.
Jen Hubbard – Co-Director of Mentorship Program

“Confidence doesn’t come from knowing you’re right—it comes from being okay with failing.”
– Mike Monteiro
While in college I was involved with AIGA Raleigh, I remember being super inspired by the professionals and peers leading the community meetings. After a new job brought me back to Raleigh (from Chapel Hill, which I know isn’t that far, haha), I really had no excuse not to reconnect with AIGA. For me AIGA is all about maintaining connections with other design professionals and staying inspired to push myself further as a designer.
Courtney Leach – Co-Director of Mentorship Program

“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.”
I joined AIGA as a student, and my goal was simply to meet other like-minded creative people in the Triangle and to take advantage of the learning opportunities AIGA offers. What I found exceeded my expectations: AIGA-Raleigh is a very giving community of friends, and the more I volunteered at events, the more wonderful people I met and the more I learned!