Homegrown | Quit Your Job, Save Your Life
All too often, people say they want to quit and work for themselves but never do. February’s Homegrown speaker wants to get you thinking about the YOU in your career. Napoleon Wright II, of Pan II Creative will join us to encourage people to make that leap and believe in themselves. He’s not saying “everybody quit your job immediately!” The goal is to get people thinking about their careers within the bigger picture of life versus the other way around. Join us as Napoleon discusses the benefits of leaving your job and pursuing your life as a creative. Topics to be discussed:

  • Experiences building a business as a creative
  • Money management
  • Relationship management
  • Workflow managment

Napoleon Wright II began his career in public relations and corporate environments. He now uses this background to support his passion for helping groups and individuals with their artistic needs through his own company, Pan II Creative.

To further this mission, he also founded a branch of Pan II Creative, Becauseus (pronounced “because-us”), which serves as a dependable source of creatives who are dedicated to the betterment of humankind through art.

Napoleon looks forward to sharing how and why he decided to quit his job, and save his life. Join us February 11, 2014 for an in-depth discussion.

Check out Napoleon's intro to Quit your job. save your life on vimeo. Ask Nap questions on twitter before the event. 

18 SeaboardSample Menu

Tanglewood Farms chicken salad with Perry Lowe Orchard apples, turnips, walnuts, and a bleu cheese vinaigrette

Moore Brothers’ beef brisket and asparagus salad with pears, sweet potatoes, bacon, and bleu cheese dressing

Grilled meatloaf with goat cheese smashed red potatoes, spinach, and house-made Worcestershire Wood

Fire grilled Portobello mushroom with braised lentils, butternut squash,
and roasted fennel

Shrimp and grits with spinach and champagne tarragon butter

Homegrown, a Lunch & Learn series from AIGA Raleigh

Things change fast in our industry, and it's important for us to grow our non-traditional design skills. This monthly lunch series brings local, "homegrown" experts together with designers for an intimate, indepth discussion of different skills or topics that will help designers add a few skills to their toolbox.

Homegrown is your opportunity to have lunch with the smartest people in town. 

When & Where
Tue, Feb 11, 2014 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
18 Seaboard
18 Seaboard Ave
Raleigh, NC 27604