At this month’s community meeting we began by introducing ourselves, as usual. this month’s question was “What has inspired your creativity recently?” Lot’s of interesting answers, including NCMA, the sesame street call me maybe cover, strava ads, chocolate tasting, AIGA Raleigh, and Artspace. During the introductions, we announced that recent ECU grad, Rich Griffis is our new Director of Student Programming. Congrats, Rich and welcome to the board!
Next the attendees of the AIGA Leadership Retreat shared their top five takeaways. Download the slides to view the lessons we learned at the retreat.
Leading up to our chapter’s board retreat, we posted a survey requesting feedback on programming and what you’d like to see AIGA Raleigh doing. We reviewed the survey results thus far. If you didn’t take the survey, there’s still time. We’ll be collecting responses up until the board retreat on August 4th, so please take a few moments to fill out the brief survey. Here are the results thus far:

Following the review of the survey results, we broke into groups to brainstorm ideas about creating a Student Board, Design For Good and the Mentor program. After sharing the results, the Mentor Program was introduced.
ASPIRE will be the AIGA Raleigh Mentor Program. The Mentor Committee (Andretti Brown, Kristin Fowler, Rich Griffis, Amy Lyons, and Brittain Peck) is still in the planning stages of developing the program. It will be open to Emerging Designers seeking a mentor. More details to come, in the mean time if you are interested in being a mentor or have a question about the program, please email the committee at
Another programming update came from Laura Hamlyn and Hayley Hughes, who are working on a film series. The first film to be screened will be Design & Thinking. Stay tuned for more details. We need help with the naming and branding the series, and as always volunteers to help with the program are needed. If interested email
One of the brainstorming topics was Design For Good, AIGA’s movement to ignite, accelerate and amplify design-driven social change. This was a topic covered in breakout sessions during the retreat, and something AIGA Raleigh is interested in incorporating into our programming. If you have ideas for Design for Good, please email
Please join us next month on August 1st for our next community meeting, all are welcome!
August Community Meeting Agenda: