Why are you involved with AIGA Raleigh?
As an emerging designer, it’s very important to stay connected and network with other designers. I’m involved with AIGA Raleigh because I want to be connected with industry leaders, fellow designers, and overall a lot of really cool people!
What is your overriding professional goal?
My biggest goal is to make really awesome stuff, and always love what I do.
How do you explain what you do to “regular people?”
Most of the time I tell people that I make things look pretty- professionally with pixels.
What professional accomplishment are you proudest of?
Being an emerging designer, I don’t have a lot of experience just yet–but I am fairly proud of being able to land a job at an agency pretty quickly out of school!
What is your non-work creative outlet?
Lately I’ve been dabbling into motion graphics and illustration, to keep myself sharp! I also do a bit of photography when I have time.
What’s your biggest design-related pet peeve?
Bad typography, and making things ‘pop’ or ‘edgy.’
What is the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
My roommate is a bit of an aspiring bartender. Recently, he’s been telling me about a shot he’s been designing for me. All I know is it’s called the “Sunday Morning” and it includes Jack Daniels, bacon, and sausage.
If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it be?
The ability to speak any language.
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. They went on so many dope adventures together.
What have you gained or what do you hope to gain through your involvement with AIGA Raleigh?
I’ve met a lot of great people who are passionate about what they do, and really care about the design community. That’s helped me develop my passions and skills to help further the design community!
What led you to volunteer or join the board?
I wanted to get to know more people in the community. And what’s a better way to meet people than to volunteer?
What have you done as a board member or volunteer that you are most proud of?
I helped out at the last Merry Mingle, and that was a blast. I’ve signed up to help the Student Portfolio review this year, so I’m really looking forward to that!
What goals do you have for the future of the chapter?
Get more of my designer friends to get involved with the AIGA and contribute to the community.