What is your overriding professional goal?
My goal is to consistently produce great pieces of design, while continually keeping up with new technologies and design practices. I’m interested in mentoring others in their careers and sharing what knowledge I’ve gained.
How do you explain what you do to ‘regular people?’
I design promotional materials for businesses and individuals to help them get noticed, as well as manage a graphics department at a corporate stationery company (my main gig, at the moment).
What professional accomplishment are you proudest of?
The day I left the corporate in-house design world and became a freelance graphic designer was a huge accomplishment for me. I was the typical insecure designer and the experience forced me to exit my comfort zone. Frankly, it is something every designer should do in their career.
What is your non-work creative outlet?
Growing up in rural North Carolina, I spent much of my time exploring the forests where I lived. I saw Bob Ross drawing lots of happy trees and thought I could, too. So, I enjoy nature photography and drawing in my sketch book.
What’s your biggest design-related pet peeve?
I would have to say it’s a lack of understanding of the production and final output of a piece by designers. Since I work in the printing industry, not having the correct types of files provided from the designer/client that lacks this understanding is a real issue. As designers, we can make beautiful work, but if that 300Mb file can’t go through a printer’s image processor, you’ve wasted your time and everyone else’s.
What is the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
It was something silly my wife did while I was helping her in the kitchen, but that’s all I can say. Otherwise, you may never hear from me again.
If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it be?
Patience. You can never have enough of it.
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Without a doubt, it’s the original Jonny Quest that aired back in the ‘60s. The combination of action, adventure, exotic locations, and realistic illustration paired with jazz is my style. Doug Wildey is inspirational with his work.
Why are you involved with AIGA Raleigh?
I became involved with AIGA out of a need to connect and network with other creative people in the industry, while finding ways to give back to the community. There isn’t an organization like AIGA, much less the uniqueness of the Raleigh chapter where I live. It’s worth the hour-long drive to community meetings.
You always hear of people who are so passionate and giving of their time and skills, but I experienced it for the first time during these meetings and in Google Hangouts collaborating on volunteer projects. It’s been great.
What led you to volunteer or join the board?
I had been searching for a way that I could give back to others, as well as become more acquainted with fellow members. With the immense and creative programs that AIGA Raleigh produces that allow anyone to be a part of, it’s so easy to get involved. It’s been a great experience.
What have you done as a board member or volunteer that you are most proud of?
The first thing I volunteered for was Web 101, which gives print designers an understanding of how web sites are built by having them build their own web site guided by local experts and gurus. There has been so much positive response from people wanting to take the course. We may have a waiting list!
What goals do you have for the future of the chapter?
The major goal I have developing is a program for fellow members to reconnect to nature and, hopefully, strengthen bonds between members, simultaneously. This is something that could easily extend beyond members and reach out to the general public. It’s still in the initial development stages, but I’m really excited about it. I can’t wait to present it to the board.
What have you seen other chapters do that was really cool?
I’m such a new member that I haven’t fully investigated everything my own chapter does, let alone any others. It’s on my list!