One Day For Design

April 13, 2011 brought designers and design enthusiasts together for One Day For Design—an open, global dialogue on the meaning and future of design, and on the role of professional associations for design. Led by eight stellar moderators, it was an astonishing 24 hours of input. More than 30,000 tweets. Nearly 3,900 Twitterers. More than 650 hashtags tweeted. At one point, #1D4D ranked as the number-four trending hashtag on Twitter in the United States. Visitors to this site posted more than 300 entries on our blog.

Visit here to see the One Day for Design discussions. Thanks for helping us make One Day for Design one remarkable day!



One Day For Design is a global conversation on the future of the design profession, hosted by AIGA. Our community members have much to add, and I hope you will, this Wednesday, April 13.

Participate on Twitter @onedayfordesign, using the #1D4D hashtag, or

Matthew Muñoz

By Matt Muñoz
Published April 12, 2011