Proposal + Symposium = PROPOSIUM

Proposal + Symposium = PROPOSIUM

November 18–20 2011

North Carolina State University, College of Design, Raleigh, North Carolina

A series of lectures and workshops envisioning the foundation a Graduate Design Network—a new form of collective among international graduate students that will include current students, recent alumni, and forward-thinking businesses.

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As graduate students in design, we believe now is the time to think critically about our education and the role we play in the professional design community. We propose collaborating to set an agenda for a large-scale project that will benefit and support graduate students in design and our discipline as a whole. We think it’s time to create an international “Graduate Design Network” that includes current students, recent alumni, and forward-thinking businesses. Please join us November 18-20, 2011 to help realize this vision!


+ Part Symposium +


We don’t have all the answers. That’s why the Proposium includes a range of speakers to inspire us, provoke conversation and present methods that we can use to create this network. In addition, we will offer research-oriented workshops where we can discuss, map, and solidify a shared vision of the network. From there, we will form task forces to continue the mission of the organization with actionable steps to make it a reality. We believe that graduate symposiums provide a rare opportunity to come together and share perspectives on design.

Visit to learn more and register. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Shelley Evenson is a research manager at Facebook. As a pioneer in the emerging practice of service design, Shelley’s expertise is in the areas of design languages and strategies, design prototyping, organizational interfaces, service design—and what lies beyond user-centered design. Previously, Shelley was a principal in user-experience design at Microsoft’s FUSE LABS and an associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University. With over 25 years in consulting experience, Shelley has worked with such luminaries as Apple, BMO, CIBC, Kodak, and Xerox.

Interview with Dan Shaffer in Design for Interaction

Service as Design Presentation IxDA

Changing Conditions: Emerging Practices Presentation AIGA

IIT Design Research Conference Presentation


Debera Johnson is the founder, executive director and academic director of sustainability at the Pratt Design Incubator for Sustainable Innovation. Debera’s work fosters environmental, social and cultural initiatives in activities that bring people together who share a common goal by linking social entrepreneurship with design. Envisioning a world built on sustainable business practice, Debera’s mission as executive director is to create impact through sustainable business incubation. Debera is the president of Greenmatter, LLC, a shared creative work environment for designers, artists and architects, and most recently, she founded PALS (Partnership for Academic Leadership in Sustainability), an international group of educators envisioning the future of art and design education.

Vision India Interview

The Living Principles Interview

Compost Modern Interview

I.D. 2011 Annual Design Review  



Dr. Abe Crystal is a principal at MoreBetterLabs, applying human-computer interaction research and design methods to make systems and software easier to understand, more pleasant to use, and more useful. As a user experience researcher and conceptual designer, he is dedicated to creating better online communities, digital libraries, and e-commerce experiences through design. Abe received his Ph.D. from UNC-Chapel Hill.


UX for Smart Marketers Article

Focus and Empathy Presentation

Matthew Muñoz is the partner and chief design officer of New Kind and president of AIGA Raleigh chapter. Matthew’s background in communication design informs strategies that include co-create messages, activities, systems, and experiences that help organizations form their future with intent, align people’s self-interest with shared purpose, clarify hard to understand concepts, and inspire action through openness. Matthew specializes in forming visual identities, storytelling, strategy-building, and making information understandable.

Design Policy Summit Video

Raleigh News and Observer Article


By Claire Kohler
Published November 10, 2011