AIGA Raleigh is happy to announce that the 2013 AIGA Raleigh Student Portfolio Review is scheduled to be held on Saturday, April 6th at Centerline Digital in Raleigh.
In order to register, please visit AIGA Raleigh’s Portfolio Review Eventbrite page!
Event Details:
- All tickets must be purchased online.
- There will be no tickets/admission at the door.
- Tickets are limited to 44 college senior students. Registration ends on March 27th at 11:55 pm!
The AIGA Raleigh Student Portfolio Review is an event established for senior, undergraduate-level students who are beginning their transformation into emerging designers. As a participant, you will receive a constructive, one-on-one evaluation of your work from a variety of design professionals located in the Triangle area.
Consider the Student Portfolio Review to be your call-to-action: to receive broader feedback and critique from fresh experienced eyes. While this event is not a job fair, some reviewers may be looking for potential employees or interns. This is a great way to network and become aware of who’s who in the Triangle design community.
Local design professionals provided their feedback at the end of the 2012 AIGA Raleigh Student Portfolio Review and mentioned a few key points on their expectations and what they look for when hiring a junior designer. As you prepare your portfolio, keep in mind the following:
- Interactive, UX (User Experience), UI (User Interface), and Motion design work is in high demand.
- Don’t make excuses. Don’t point out negativity in your work.
- Your personality and having people skills DO matter.
- DO show versatility and range of work.
- Showcase and know your strengths.
- Pursue personal projects—without classroom limitations.
Ideally, what really counts is the work itself—only show work that you’re the most passionate about and you can discuss with enthusiasm.
Students | Plan to Bring:
Come with 6 to 8 of your best portfolio pieces. You are also encouraged to bring business cards and several copies of your resume. If you plan on showing interactive/animation work, come prepared with a fully charged laptop, etc. Time is very limited at these events, so be sure that your work is presentation ready. Above all, bring an open mind and a strong chin. This event is designed to provide junior creatives with the kind of brutal, honest feedback they don’t always receive from friends and teachers. It’s a tough but important rite of passage for all designers.
Portfolio Review Agenda:
9:30—10:30 a.m.
Student Check-In and Networking
10:30—11 a.m.
Special Guest Speaker: Shawn Gillen, Executive Creative Director at Centerline | ”Next Steps on How to Find your First Design Job”
11—11:30 a.m.
Lunch (Reviewers Check-in time)
11:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m.
Portfolio Reviews
1:30—2 p.m.
Recap with the Pros
Students may park in the gravel lot, 365 North West Street, directly around the corner from Centerline. The lot is first-come, first-serve and is marked with a Centerline sign upon entering. In addition, street parking is also available.
If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact Kristin Fowler or Rich Griffis.